It’s with great pride that we share the news of the nomination of Nathalie Palladitcheff, our President and Chief Executive Officer, as REALPAC’s next Vice Chair for 2021-2022, and President of REALPAC for 2023-2024.
A word from Nathalie: “It is truly an honour to be named Vice-Chair of REALPAC for 2021-2022, and I also want to congratulate Toni Rossi for her nomination as president of REALPAC. Our appointments show the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion within the real estate industry, for today and tomorrow. It will be a real pleasure to work alongside her in continuing to serve this recognized national industry association that is dedicated to contributing to the advancement and long-term vitality of Canada’s real property sector.”
REALPAC is the national industry association dedicated to advancing the long-term vitality of Canada’s real property sector.
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